as you know by using the Delphi Android JNI you can access to Native features provided by Android SDK. The RAD Studio installation includes also Google Mobile ADS library (Androidapi.JNI.AdMob unit), as built-in java library for Android.
So by using this unit we can use the new Interstitials Ads provided by AdMob.
First of all rember to set to true the AdMob Service ( Project -> Entitlement List -> AdMob Service )
Let's start with the code.
Create an instance of TJInterstitialAd, wich is present in Androidapi.JNI.AdMob.
FInterstitial := TJInterstitialAd.JavaClass.init(MainActivity); FInterstitial.setAdUnitId(StringToJString('Your-Publisher-ID'));
For example you can put the previous code in the FormCreate event. Then you have to use this code to display an Interstitial Ad (on button-click event in my demo):
var LADRequestBuilder: JAdRequest_Builder; LadRequest: JAdRequest; begin LADRequestBuilder := TJAdRequest_Builder.Create; LADRequestBuilder.addTestDevice(MainActivity.getDeviceID); LadRequest :=; LAdViewListener := TMyAdViewListener.Create(FInterStitial); CallInUIThread( procedure begin FInterStitial.setAdListener(TJAdListenerAdapter.JavaClass.init (LAdViewListener)); FInterStitial.loadAd(LadRequest); end); end;
I used the TJAdRequest_Builder to create a request and set my device like a test device (see AdMob guidelines).
I also created a custom AdViewListener to intercept the interstitial events:
- onAdClosed;
- onAdFailedToLoad(errorCode: Integer);
- onAdLeftApplication;
- onAdOpened;
- onAdLoaded;
TJAdListenerAdapter adapts my Listener class to Interstitial AdListener, this because I created a custom class to support interstitial events and show effectively the Ad when it was loaded.
TMyAdViewListener = class(TJavaLocal, JIAdListener) private FAD: JInterstitialAd; public constructor Create(AAD: JInterstitialAd); procedure onAdClosed; cdecl; procedure onAdFailedToLoad(errorCode: Integer); cdecl; procedure onAdLeftApplication; cdecl; procedure onAdOpened; cdecl; procedure onAdLoaded; cdecl; end; procedure TMyAdViewListener.onAdLoaded; begin; end;
Here the screenshot of interstitial on my phone:
This code should works also on AppMethod.
You can find the demo in my GitHub repository.