Sunday, September 3, 2017

Delphi Entities Validators

How many of you use business objects in your applications?
How many of you use an ORM ?
In this case... how do you validate entities in your applications ?
  1. In a not very elegant way 
  2. The classic is IsValid() method on BO
  3. Something else?
  4. Validation inside or outside entities?
  5. How about different context?
Entity validation can be a tricky beast! From bit Time Professionals Lab... Delphi Entities Validators ! It is a small framework that provides an easy and ready-to-use interface for entities validation.
You can achieve Entities validation in three ways:

  1. Simple validation
  2. Attribute validation
  3. Container validation
The innovative solution of this framework is the Context: in the most case when you have to validate an Entity you have a class explosion for different situations. For example if you have to validate an entity that represents a User you have different Object classes for different context: one class for Login, one for registration etc... because the field that you have to validate are different in these different situations. With Context, the things going to get easier because you can maintain one Object Class and choose wich fields and when to validate them.
So let's go see the code!

Simple Validation

In Simple Validation mode you have to implements the IValidator interface, that use generics, replacing the placeholder with your class. The interface provides Validate method that you must implement, and here you have to write your validation logic. This method returns an IValidationResult wich is composed by:
  • IsValid - returns a boolean that represents the success or failures validation
  • BrokenRules - returns an array of string that represents the broken rules

Attributes Validation

In Attributes Validation you can use a ready-to-use attributes to validate the field of your BO (or create yours). This is first example where Context avoids you a lot of code:

In this case the affected fields are the only that have the context 'AttributesValidation'.

Container Validation

In Container Validation you can use the Simple Validation mechanism adding all the benefits of using a container and context mechanism:

Delphi Entities Validation can be a great ally in writing code, saving you time and code!


  1. I know from experience that with this design you are unable to tell which property caused an error.

    For example if you have a form where you enter some data and you want to mark those fields that are invalid. That requires more context in the validation result.

    1. Yes, you're right! I have to do some changes to achieve what you have explained. Thanks for the advice

  2. Hello everyone, I have created new version of this project with mark those fields that are invalid! I invite you to check the project and I except some comments about it.
    This is mine first project pulled into github :) -> Regards.

    1. This is my first use of github :). I am going to modify much more of this project in the future and I do not want to disturb your assumptions.
